1830 08 14 : Receipt for deer sent from Lowther to Edenhall

14 Aug 1830. RECEIPT FOR DEER SENT FROM LOWTHER TO EDENHALL. A neat receipt. 7” x 7”. In the 1841 and 1851 census, Thomas YARKER with his family lived at Park House next to Lowther Castle and was the park keeper. C 214. R 91. Thos: YARKER Deer &c. £ 5 ~ 15 ~ 6 —————————— August 14. 1830. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I wish Mr YARKER, the bearer of this note, to receive the sum of 5 gs. for the deer sent from Lowther also ½ a guinea for some venison he has bought me. [signed] C. J. MUSGRAVE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edenhall Augt. 14. 1830. Received of the Revd. Sir C: J: MUSGRAVE Bart. by payment of Mr. DIXON Five Pounds 15s/6d viz. Five Guineas for Deer sent to Eden Hall from Lowther, and Ten Shillings & Six Pence for venison, by me [signed] Thos. YARKER