1838 11 03 : Funeral expenses account for Hannah SHIELDS

03 Nov 1838. FUNERAL EXPENSES ACCOUNT FOR HANNAH SHIELDS. A neat account. 6” x 6”. C 170. R 17. Ino: SHIELDS His Mothers Funeral £ 2 “ 17 “ 7 ————————————- November 3. 1838 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the Funrel of Hanh. SHIELDS £. s d Cask of Ale. 0 “ 15 “ 6 2 Quarts of Spirits 0 “ 5 “ 6 Chease 0 “ 5 “ 5 Pipes and Tobaco 0 “ 1 “ 6 Shorude [?] 0 “ 3 “ 6 Clarck 0 “ 3 “ 0 4 lb. of Butter at 11d. per lb. 0 “ 3 “ 8 ———————- £ 1 “ 17 “ 7 Pd Robt OLIVANT for Coffin 1 “ 0 “ 0 ———————- £ 2 “ 17 “ 7 Novr. 3d. 1838 Received of ========= Sir George MUSGRAVE Bart. by payment of Mr. DIXON Two Pounds £ 2 ~ 17 ~ 7 the amount of Funeral Expences of the late Hannah SHIELDS by me [signed] John SHIELDS
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