1712 07 04 : Receipt for bridge repair and poor tax

04 Jul 1712. RECEIPT FOR BRIDGE REPAIR AND POOR TAX. A fresh, very neat and clean receipt. 4” x 6”. July ye 4th. 1712 : Received from Sr Christor } MUSGRAVE Barrot. the sum~ of one pound } £ – s – d being Sess for ye repairing of Pottgill } 1 – 0 – 0 Bridge & Eden Bridge & Poor Sess for } the reliefe of Mathew HARRISON Since } The 25th of December Last for ye Demesne } Barnes Teniment to that Sess and other } out Layes in the Twone Ten~ pence halfpe~ } 0 – 0 – 10½ I Say Received per me Tho: HUTCHINSON Inrice [?] his Mark O
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