1838 10 23 : 02 : Postage account from the Penrith post office

23 Oct 1838 (2). POSTAGE ACCOUNT FROM THE PENRITH POST OFFICE. A neat account. 9” x 7”. A bit grubby and aged on the back, with a couple of weak folds. C 170. R 2. M: SCOTT Post Letters £ 10 “ 4 “ 3 ½ ——————————- October 23. 1838. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Post office, Penrith Oct. 20th 1838 Sir George MUSGRAVE Bart To M SCOTT, Postmaster Dr. To Postage from 19th. April to 20 Oct. 1838 as per Letter Book £ 10 . 4 . 3½ Settled [signed] M. SCOTT 23d. Oct 1838 Sir / Above you have Sir George MUSGRAVEs Letter a/c for six months which I trust you will find correct an early remittance will oblige your most obedient Humble Sert. [signed] M. SCOTT To Geo DIXON Esq.
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