1838 10 23 : 01 : Subscription to Newfoundland Society

23 Oct 1838 (1). SUBSCRIPTION TO NEWFOUNDLAND SOCIETY. A neat and clean subscription receipt. A bit grubby on the back. 2” x 7”. The “Newfoundland Society for the Education of the Poor” was a missionary organisation set up in 1823 to educate the poor in the British colony of Newfoundland but later expanded its scope to all British colonies. C 170. R 4. Thos: SCOTT Esqr. Newfoundld. Society £ 3 “ 3 “ 0 ————————————- October 23. 1838 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Penrith Octr 23rd. 1838 £ S Sir G. MUSGRAVE’s Subscription to Newfoundland Society 2 ~ 2 ~ 0 Lady MUSGRAVE’s Do 1 ~ 1 ~ 0 Elizh Lady MUSGRAVEs Do. to Infant School 1 ~ 1 ~ 0 1838 Octr 23d Recd. [signed] Ths: SCOTT
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