1826 11 11 : 03 : Rent receipt for lands in West Thickley

11 Nov 1826 (3). RENT RECEIPT FOR LANDS IN WEST THICKLEY. Printed receipt for rent to the Lord Bishop of Durham with impressed duty stamp. Hand written entries into this printed form are transcribed in italics. 1826. Received of Sir P. MUSGRAVE Bart the Sum } £. s. d. of Two pounds 6/8¼ being One Year’s } Rent, due and payable to the Lord Bishop of Durham, at Martinmas, ) 2 . 6 . 8¼ 1826, for Lands in West Thickley } Acquittance, ––––––– 0 0 8 ——————— £ 2 . 7 . 4¼ Land Tax allowed . 4 . ——————— [signed] C [orP?] FORSTER 2 . 3 . 4¼
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