1727 05 03 : Disbursements account from Newcastle

03 May 1727. DISBURSEMENTS ACCOUNT FROM NEWCASTLE. A neat detailed account. 7” x 12”. Mr WILLYAMS Paper printing for addmitencies &c 8 – 19 – 0 —————————- 3 may 1727 25 26 27 28 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disburst at Newcastle for the Honble: Sr: Chrisr: MUSGRAVE Since the 29th July 1726 when last Ballanced Accots: E WILLIAMS 1726 { paid Freight from London, & Wharfage, & Labourage } s d 29th Augt. { into and Out of the Warehouse for one Dead } £ – 8 2 { Case of Marble and weighing it } 9th & 16th } paid for two Casks & Oysters sent to Edenhall – 5 2 Septem~: } 30 - - paid for Oysters sent in two Casks return’d from Edenhll. – 2 6 27 Octor: paid for one Cask & Oysters sent to Edenhall – 2 6 25 Novr. { paid Mr: Ino: STEPHENSON for 1 Cask Containing 10 Galls. } { one pint Best Canary at 7s per Gall: the Cask 20d } 3 12 6 Do: Die { paid for 6 Lobsters 2s : 6d, basket to Carry em in } { 4d & gave PEARCIVAL to pay for boyling them 6d } – 3 4 Do: Die paid for 8lb Chesnuts 10d per lb 6s . 8d and for a bagg 6d – 7 2 2o Decemr: { paid Freight, Wharfage &c. for 1 bundle trees } { 1 basket Seeds & one bundle Syths from London } – 6 2 Do. Die paid for 2lb¼ Oysters and a Cask – 2 11 9 Decem~: paid for 5lb Walnuts at 7d per lb – 2 11 23o Do: paid for Oysters sent in a Cask returnd from Edenhall – 2 1 27th. - - { paid Jno: WHITE for Paper and Printing twenty } { Quire of Court Barron &c. in 4 different sorts } 2 8 – 17th Febry paid for a Cask and Oysters sent to Edenhall – 2 7 3o March { paid for 8 Lobsters 3s. 4d. a basket to Carry em in } { 4d & to PEARCIVAL for boyling them 8d } – 4 4 —————————————————- £ 8 12 4 10th March paid for 8 Lobsters 3s. 2d a basket 4d and to } PEARCIVAL for Boyling them at Bladen 8d } – 4 2 —————————————————- Totall £ 8 16 6 24th Do. paid for 1lb large Oysters & a Cask sent to Edenhall – 2 6 —————————————————- Totall £ 8 19 – ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Newcastle 3o May 1727 Received then from the Honble. Sr. Chris: MUSGRAVE by the hands of Mr: George GIBSON the Sume of Eight pounds Nineteen Shillings in full payment of this Note and all other Accots: to this day, as Witness my hand ———————- £ 8 : 19 : – [signed] E WILLIAMS ———————-
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