1823 04 29 : Letter with account for brown stout

29 Apr 1823. LETTER WITH ACCOUNT FOR BROWN STOUT. A fresh, very neat and clean account. 9” x 7”. C R Wm. IRWIN Porter £ 9 ~ 7 ~ ————————- April 29. 1823 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C R 134 Wm. IRWIN Bottled Porter £ 6 ~ 3 ~ 3 ————————- April 29. 1823 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lanct. DIXON Eden Hall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carlisle Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. Bought of Wm. IRWIN 1822. Aug 24. 14½ Dozen Brown Stout 8/6 £ 6 “ 3 “ 3 “ “ 14½ Dozen Bottles if not returned 4/ 2 “ 18 “ 0 2 Crates & a Hamper Do. ~ “ 6 “ 0 —————— £ 9 “ 7 “ 3 To be pd. 3 . 4 ~ —————— £ 6 . 3 : 3 —————— Settled [signed] J MASON for Wm IRWIN 4 Mo 29th 1823 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Respected Friend Being the new year I have taken the liberty to inclose Sir Philip’s account for Brown Stout which I have no doubt will be found correct if more convenient to p[ay ] at any time to the bearer my cousin John MASON his receipt will be just the same I am Thy Assured Friend Carlisle [signed] Wm. IRWIN Feby 1 – 1823