1792 10 09 : Account for building work at Kirkoswald Parks

09 Oct 1792. ACCOUNT FOR BUILDING WORK AT KIRKSOWALD PARKS. Fresh, neat and clean account and receipt (two pieces of paper). The receipt has an impressed duty stamp. C. 94. R. 116. Alexr. THOMPSON Parks Building 20 ~ 12 ~ 10 9th. Octr. 1792. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ £ s d Building att Kirkoswald Parks 257 yards att 8d 8 : 11 : 4 Two little doors ………. 6 shillings Apiece 10 : 12 : 0 half Do 0 : 3 : 0 Great Dor 0 9 : 0 Stable Window 0 : 1 : 0 6 roods & 23yards of Slait att 12s per rood 3 : 17 : 6 Getting stoans 38 days att 2s per day 3 : 16 : 0 4 days taking doun the gavel ends & levling up raising timber &s 0 : 8 : 0 10 days Altering the Dors &s 1 : 0 : 0 20 yards of riging att 8d per yard 0 : 13 : 4 Cristopher WISEMAN 13 days – att 1s . 8d per day 1 : 1 : 8 ———————— 20 ~ 12 ~ 10 ———————— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Received of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. by Jona: OLDMAN twenty pounds twelve shillings and ten pence for Walling Slateing &c at Kirkoswald Parks as per Bill delivered 9th. October 1792 –––––––––––––– [signed] Alexr. THOMPSON
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