1705 10 17 : 03 : Carting stones and lime for Musgrave mill

17 Oct 1705 (3). CARTING STONES AND LIME FOR MUSGRAVE MILL. A fresh, very neat and clean account. 6” x 4”. 17 Ocbr 1705 Charges for Gitting Stones, leeding stones, and alsoe lime for Greet Musgrave Milne for Leading of Stones to the mill from the fell 26 cartfull at a 4 pence a cartfull and for Leading of Laime 4 cartfull 1 Shilling and 4 pence and geating of Stones 3 Shilling for Leading 26 Cart Loads of stones } to Musgrave Milne att 4d per Cart Load } 00 : 08 = 08 Pd for the sd stones 00 : 03 : 00 Pd for Leeding four Cart Load of lime } from Soulby to ye sd milne } 00 : 01 = 04 ———————- 00 : 13 = 00 17 Ocbr 1705 Recd of Chr~ GIBSON the full Contents of this Bill per me [signed] Thomas WALLER
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