1833 02 19 : Account & receipt for old rum and gin

19 Feb 1833. ACCOUNT & RECEIPT FOR OLD RUM AND GIN. A fresh, rare, very neat and clean account and receipt, attached to each other at the top left hand corner. The receipt has an impressed duty stamp. C 300. R 165. Saml. CARMALT Spirits £ 2 “ 14 “ 0 ———————————- February 19. 1833. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Si]r C. J. MUSGRAVE Bart. 1832 Bot. of Saml. CARMALT Feby: 14 To 2 Galls of old Rum at 14/. 1 . 8 . 0 “ “ 2 do of Gin –––– 13/. 1 . 6 . 0 —————————————- £ 2 . 14 . 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ £ 2 “ 14 “ 0 Penrith Received of Sir J. C. MUSGRAVE Bart the Sum of Two Pounds Fourteen Shillings for an Account dilivered. This Nineteenth day Feby 1833 [signed] Saml CARMALT
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