1833 05 27 : 01 : Gamekeeper's expenses account

27 May 1833 (1). GAMEKEEPER’S EXPENSES ACCOUNT. A neat and clean account. 10” x 8”. The Revd. Sir C: J: MUSGRAVE Bart: To David EDGER Dr. 1832 £ s d Aug. To Cash paid to Sundry persons, Evidences, for } loss of time & their expences at Penrith in } 1 “ 0 “ 0 presenting LITTLE RUDD & BLAND for fishing } “ To Expences of Self & Son at Penrith appearing } in defence of an information laid by the } “ “ 5 “ 0 above persons for fishing } To Keep of Dog in the year 1830 – 28 weeks To ditto ditto paid Jan. 15. 1831 } to Jan. 15. 1832 } – 52 – —————————- Weeks 80 @ £3. per year 4 “ 12 “ 3 ———————- £ 5 “ 17 “ 3 =========== 1833 May 27th. Received the above by payment of Mr: DIXON by me ~ [signed] David EDGER