1732 04 25 : Manor of Bleatarn, Court Baron jury verdict

25 Apr 1732. MANOR OF BLEATARN, COURT BARON JURY VERDICT. A very neat manorial Court Baron document. 12” x 7”. Bleatarn verdict 26th. Aprill 1732 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maner~ de } Cur~ Leet & vis~ Franc~ Pleg~ Cur~ Baron~ ac Cur~ Customar~ Bleatarn } Chr~i MUSGRAVE Barrtti. D~ni man~ij prd~ lent~ apud Bleatarn in & pro man~io prd~ Vicesimo Sexto Die Aprilis An~o R~ni D~ni Georgij Sec~i nunc Regis magn~ Britann~ &c Quinto Annoque D~ni 1732o. Per Thomam SIMPSON gen~ Seneschall~ Cur~ prd~ No~ia Jur~ ad inquirendum pro D~no Rege ac pro D~no man~ij prd~ Joh~es RICHARDSON } Anthonius CARLETON } Richard~ RICHARDSON Senr. } Thomas LAMBERT } Jur~ Edward~ HALLYDAY } Jur~ Thomas ABRAMS } Chr~us RUDD } Geo: PARK Joh~es WILLSON } Richardus RICHARDSON Junr. Joh~es LAMB Chr~us STEADMAN Isaac WILLSON : Wil~ms SPOONER Qui quidem Jur~ Iurato ordato dicunt & prsentant Super Sacr~m san~ in his Anglicanis verbis Sequen~ vizt. Deaths. Ino. SCAFE deied senc Last court his dauter Mary heir rent 1£ – 16s – 11d Allinations: Rob: BIRBECK sould amesining [?] Tenement unto Ino. TOMPSON rent 1£ – 9s – 2d May ye. 10th. 1733 : the Jury of this man~r Being Sumoned together: have agreed for ye. Bett [?] agreemtt. of ye. sd. man~oar: that ye. town field Called townmoor; – Est~ Belonging to ye. sd. man~oar; ; – that ye. gates Belonging ye. sd. field, and ye. 0 : 6 : 8 fence be made Every man, his share according to former Custome; Before ye. twenteth fift day of march next ensueing upon pain Each defaltd. = – 0 : 2 . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the sd. 10th. day of May we ye. sd. Jury ; have agreed; thatt all and every one that hath dales or partts Comonly Called dales; do offer notice: from ye. freth men or herd do stint and putt in Catle Excepting Sheep; Every one two gates; for a dale to ye. after Ealigh; and so to Continue for fourteen days – then to be Comon till ye. 25th. of Every month following – Each Defaltd. to ye. Contrayry : 3s – 4d
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