1818 08 25 : Account & receipt for malt

25 Aug 1818. ACCOUNT & RECEIPT FOR MALT. A fresh, very neat and clean account and receipt. The receipt has an impressed four pence duty stamp. C 177 R 262 Thos. HODGSON Malt £ 18 ~ 10 . 0 ——————————— August 25. 1818 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Barnt. To Thos. HODGSON Dr 8 March 1818 To Macking 10 Carlisle } Bushels of Barly To Malt } 5 – 0 – 0 1 April To Making 10 Bushels Ditto 5 – 0 – 0 21 May To 2 Load of Malt 8 – 10 – 0 ——————— £ 18 “ 10 “ 0 ——————— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Penrith August 25. 1818 Received of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. by payment of L S DIXON Eighteen Pounds & Ten Shillings for Malt as per annexed Bill [signed] Thos. HODGSON
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