1754 01 29 : 03 : Detailed farrier's account

29 Jan 1754 (3). DETAILED FARRIER’S ACCOUNT. A fresh, very neat and clean account. 12” x 6”. C. 266. R. 35. John CASTLEHOW Farrier. 1 : 6 : 0, 29. Janr: 1754. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1753 Sir Philip MUSGRAVE to John CASTLEOW Dr £ s d Febry 21st For Ingredients to the Young Horses 0 1 6 March 13th One Journey to the Young Bay Mare 0 1 0 Do. For Oyls &c to the Same 0 1 8 15th For Oyls &c to the Same 0 1 2 For Curing the Same 0 2 0 April 4th For a Bottle of Stipstick to a Horse of a Stobb 0 0 9 June 30th For a Loosening Drink to Bay Mare 0 1 6 July 3d For Do. to Do 0 1 6 18th For Ingredients for Black Mare of a Sore warridge 0 2 0 For more Ingredients Attending & Curing Same 0 5 0 28th For a Drink to a Black Horse 0 1 6 Novr 6th One Journey to a Black Horse 0 1 0 Do – for a Bottle of Stipstick & Salves for a Cutt of } the Black Horse in his foot & Cure } 0 2 6 22d One Journey to a Black Gelding 0 1 0 Do for Oyls to the Same & Cure 0 2 0 ——————- 1 . 6 . 1 ——————- 29. Janry. 1754 – Recd. of Sr. Ph: MUSGRAVE Bart: per Chr. DOBSON twenty Six Shillings in full of the above & all Demands by [signed] John CASTLOW
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