1848 08 29 : Millwright's bill for work on threshing machine

29 Aug 1848. MILLWRIGHT’S BILL FOR WORK ON THRESHING MACHINE. A fresh, very neat and clean account. 4” x 6”. C 96. R 170. Ino: BROWN Millwright £ – ~ 13 ~ 0 —————————— August 29. 1848. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1848 Sir George MUSGROVE To John BROWN April 6 To A Man 2 days at Eden Hall Thrashing Machine 4s/ “ 8 “ To A Prentice 2 Days at do 2/6 “ 5 “ —————— 1848 Augst 29 Settld £ “ 13 “ [signed] John BROWN =======

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