1705 08 31 : Land tax receipt for demesne and Barns Tenement

31 Aug 1705. LAND TAX RECEIPT FOR DEMESNE AND BARNS TENEMENT. A fresh, neat and clean receipt. 4” x 8”. Collectors Receipt for ye Second Quarterly payment for 1705 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ August ye 31th: 1705 Received Then from Sr: Christopher MUSGRAVE } Barrott. ye Sum~e of two pound five= } =teen Shillings for ye Demaine and } £ – s – d – nine pence half pen~ye for Barns } 2 – 15 – 9 – ½ Teniment being ye second Quarterly } payment of the Land Taxx for 1705 } I Say Received per me John: RAIKSTROWE Collector his marke - O -
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