1819 01 27 : A batch of Durham jail tax documents / receipts

27 Jan 1819. A BATCH OF DURHAM JAIL TAX DOCUMENTS / RECEIPTS. A neat batch of Durham jail tax documents. C 187 R 86 Sundry persons Durham Jail Sess £ 13 ~ 15 ~ 8 ——————————- Jany 27. 1819 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sundry Persons Durham Jail Sess for 1818 £ s d No.1 William ROBINSON, St. Helen’s &cc 9 1 10 2 Thomas WALDON, Brussleton 1 10 8 3 Henry WALKER, Thickley 1 10 0 4 John PARKER, Thickley – 17 6 5 Richard HERON, Hill Top – 9 0 6 John PEARS, Evenwood – 6 8 £ 13 15 8 ——————— Jany 27th. 1819 Placed to Sir Philip MUSGRAVE’s Account Thirteen Pounds Fifteen Shillings & Eight Pence paid to the above persons by me [signed] L S DIXON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Augus 9th Receivd of Henrey WALKER the sum of 1£ = 12s = 6d for a Goale Rate Thiss being the Landlords part 1£ = 1s = 8d. [signed] Thomas HERON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The left two thirds of the receipt are hidden under the previous one. The missing information [in square brackets] was supplied by the seller. [September 3rd 1818] [Received of Henry ]WALKER Gaol rate [for lands in the Tow]nship of Shildon [Being the Landlords] part 8s ~ 4d [signed] [John BURTON] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1818 June 10th. Received of Mr. WALDON a Jail Cess one pound ten shillings and Eightpence Collector As Witness my hand, [signed] Wm. ROBINSON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6 January 1819. Receivd. of John PEARS 6s./8d. for a Jail Sess in Evenwood Barony [signed] George ALDERSON Constable ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ August 9 Receivd of John PARKER the sum of 1£ = 6s = 3d for a Goal Rate Thiss being the Landlords part 17s = 6d [signed] Thomas HERON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ August 9th Receivd of Richard HERON the sum of 13s = 6d for a Goal Rate Thiss Being the Landlords part 9s –– [signed] Thomas HERON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Money Paid for Sir P. MUSGRAVE 1818 £ s d Augt. By a Jail Cess for Sir. P. MUSGRAVE on 32£ at 3d pr Pound. 0 “ 8 “ 0 By Do. on 800£ at 2d pr Pound 6 “ 13 “ 4 Novr. 1st. By Half a years Land Tax 0 “ 5 “ 10 1819 Jany 4th. By DAVISON a High way Cess on 32£ at 1d. 0 “ 2 “ 8 1818 Decr. 21st. By Mr. TODD half a years Recept. or Modus } 1819 due at Michalmas last } 1 “ 0 “ 0 Jany 1st. By two Poor Cesses at 6d each on 32 £ 1 “ 12 “ 0 ————————— £ 10 “ 1 “ 10 1 “ 0 “ 0 ————————— 1819 Jany. 27 Rec’d of Mr. DIXON this Bill £ 9 “ 1 “ 10 by me ————————- [signed] Wm. ROBINSON
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