1818 09 12 : Fine paid to the poor, an informer & the gaoler

12 Sep 1818. FINE PAID TO THE POOR, AN INFORMER & THE GAOLER. A fresh, very neat and clean receipt. 3” x 6”. C 177 R 273 L. S. DIXON J. TEASDALE’s Fine £ 5 . 0 . 0 —————————————- Septbr. 12. 1818 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Placed to Sir Philip MUSGRAVE’s account Five Pounds, (the amount of James TEASDALE’s Fine) paid, the Poor of the Parish, John TODD the informer, & Saml. ROTHERHAM, keeper of the House of Correction, by me —————— £ 5 ~ 0 ~ 0 [signed] L S DIXON —————— of strg [?]
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