1751 09 28 : 03 : Petty bills account

28 Sep 1751 (3). PETTY BILLS ACCOUNT. A fresh, very neat and clean account. 4” x 6”. Petty Bills till Michs: 1751 ~ £ = s = d 1751. May 7. Jonat: WALTON Newca: Carr: 0 : 4 : 9 June 11. Jno. LITTLEJOHN Hardware &c 0 : 3 : 0 July 9. Jer: JACKSON Newca: Carrier 0 : 7 : 4 11. Jos: SMITH Brown Paper 0 : 2 : 6 16. Gabl: CROFT Kendal Carrr: 0 : 10 : 2 Jno. RAINCOCK Yarn for a Net 0 : 7 : 0 Augt: 13. Thos: CHERRY Ropemaker 0 : 5 : 7 —————- 2 : 0 : 4 —————- 28th. Septr: 1751. Placed to ye Accot: of Sr: Ph: MUSGRAVE Bart: two pods: & four pence in full for the above Petty Bills per [signed] Chr DOBSON