1848 08 18 : Innkeeper's account, Kings Arms, Kirkby Stephen

18 Aug 1848. INNKEEPER’S ACCOUNT, KINGS ARMS, KIRKBY STEPHEN. Fresh, neat and clean account and receipt. The receipt has an impressed duty stamp. C 94. R 157. Miss POWLEY Kirkby Stephen £ 34 “ 8 “ 11 —————————— August 16. 1848. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kings Arms. Kirkby Stephen [Sir] George MUSGRAVE Bart. To Ann POWLEY Dr 1848 March 20 } 4 Breakfasts 7s/- 2 Luncheons 2/- 9 – to 22d } 9 Dinners & Desert 3/6 1 . 11 . 6 5 Tea & Coffee 7 . 6 Ale, Porter & Tob_:ly [?] 3 . 6 Wines £ 3 . 0 . 0 Spirit 3/6 3 . 3 . 6 P Messengers ret Letters &c 2 . 6 Beds 8 – ——————- £ 6 “ 5 “ 6 == 1848 27 June } to } 14 Breakfasts £ 1 . 4 . 6. } 3d July } 14 Luncheons ––– 14 ––– } 1 “ 18 “ 6 24 Dinners & Desert 3/6 4 . 4 –– 10 Tea & 1/6 –– 15 –– Wines 5 “ 9 –– Soda Water 2/8 Malt Liqr 8/- 10 . 8 Beds …… 6 Nts –– 9 –– 4 Ladies Board & Loding 6 D. 4/6 each 5 “ 8 –– 4 Servants. B’d & Lodging 6 D a 3/6 4 . 4 –– Servants Spirit & Malt Liqr 1 . 6 –– Stamp 2/- Postge 3/- large Pd 3/6 8 . 6 Boy to Soulby …. 1/ –– 1 –– Horses Hay & Corn 1 . 19 . 9 Post Horses to Mallg & Appleby 1 . 10 –– ————————- £ 28 “ 3 “ 5 add the above acct March 6 “ 5 “ 6 —————————- £ 34 “ 8 “ 11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ky Stephen August 18th. 1848 Received of Sir Geo MUSGRAVE Bart the Sum of thirty four Pounds Eight Shillings and Eleven Pence Amount of Bill deliverd. £ 34 “ 8 “ 11 [signed] Ann POWLEY