1800 11 01 : Labourers' wages account

01 Nov 1800. LABOURERS’ WAGES ACCOUNT. A neat and clean detailed account. 8” x 7”. Labourers from 18th. Octr. till 1st. Novr. 1800. Labourers Names No. of Days Price per day Paid Wages £ S D Joseph HETHERINGTON 12 24D Paid 1 4 ~ John PUGMIRE 12 24 Paid 1 4 ~ Thos. WARWICK 11½ 14 Paid ~ 13 5 Francis BURN 11 18 Paid ~ 16 6 Saml. WESTRA 12 9 Paid ~ 9 ~ John WESTRA 7 9 Paid ~ 5 3 4 12 2 ————————- Novr. 1st. 1800 Placed to Sir John C. MUSGRAVE’s acct. four pounds twelve shillings & two pence for wages paid to the above labourers till this day by me [signed] Joseph BRISCO.
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