1751 03 25 : 03 : Account for Edenhall land & window tax

25 Mar 1751 (3). ACCOUNT FOR EDENHALL LAND & WINDOW TAXES. A fresh, very neat and clean account. 3” x 7”. Stephen TODD Taxes for half Year Lady day 1751. £ s d 14 Purveys for Land Cess at Edenhall 2 : 18 : 7½ Half a Yrs: Window Cess 118 in No: 3 : 0 : 0 ——————- 5 : 18 : 7½ ——————- 25th: March 1751 ~ Recd: of Sr: Phil: MUSGRAVE Bt: per Chr: DOBSON five pounds eighteen Shills: & seven pen~ half penny in full of the above half yrs: Taxes for Edenl: due this Day by me [signed] Stephen TODD
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