1830 01 09 : Laundry maid's wages receipt

09 Jan 1830. LAUNDRY MAID’S WAGES RECEIPT. A fresh, very neat and clean receipt. 4” x 8”. C 196. R 93. Elizth. SMITH Laundrymaid £ 7 ~ 17 ~ 6 ——————————- January 9th. 1830. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jany. 9th. 1830. Received of the Revd. Sir C: J: MUSGRAVE Bart: by payment of Mr: DIXON Seven Pounds 17s/6d being Half a Years Wages due to me as Laundry Maid from April 9th. to Decr. 9th. 1829. ——————- £ 7 ~ 17 ~ 6 [signed] Elizabeth SMITH ========
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