1825 10 01 : 03 : Expenses when collecting Westmorland rents

01 Oct 1825 (3). EXPENSES WHEN COLLECTING WESTMORLAND RENTS. A fresh, very neat and clean receipt. 4” x 6”. C R 310. L. S. DIXON Receivg. Westmorld. Rents £ 1 ~ 11 ~ 0 ———————————————— October 1st. 1825. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ October 1st. 1825. Placed to Sir Philip MUSGRAVE’s account one Pound Eleven Shillings being the amnt. of my expences at Brough Hill, receiving the Westmorland 2 Yrs Rents &cc ——————- [signed] L S DIXON £ 1 ~ 11 ~ 0 ——————-
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