1805 08 07 : Great & Little Musgrave special court verdict

07 Aug 1805. GREAT & LITTLE MUSGRAVE SPECIAL COURT VERDICT. A fresh, neat and clean document. 13” x 8”. 7th Augt. 1805 Manor of Great } & } Little Musgrave } Verdict Special Court ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Manor of Great } & } The Court Baron and Special Customary Court of Sir John Chardin Little Musgrave } MUSGRAVE Baronet Lord of the said Manor holden at Hall Garth within and for the said Manor on Wednesday the seventh day of August 1805 Before Edward GRAVE Steward of the said Court Names of the Jurors George ALDERSON } { Thomas HUTCHINSON Richard ALDERSON } { George RUDD Thomas MASON } Sworn { William COLLINSON William MASON } { Mark RAIN John RAILTON } { Anthony CAILE John LOY } { Thomas TEASDALE Who being Sworn and Charged Present as follows We present Robert THORNBORROW upon the Alination and Surender of Thomas WADE and others to several parcles of Land in Musgrave Lawfield in the manor of Great Musgrave of the Yearly Rent of 13s “ 0½ Services ½ a Day plowing 1 Day Harrowing 1 Day Shearing ½ a Day mowing 1 Hen ––––– We present Robert THORNBORROW upon the Alination and Surender of Thomas WADE and others to a Messuage and Tenement in the manor of Little Musgrave with the Yearly Rent of 18s “ 4d Services 1 Day plowing two thirds of a Goose ~~~ [signed] George ALDERSON } [signed] Thomas HUTCHINSON [signed] Richd. ALDERSON } [signed] George RUDD [signed] Thos. MASON } [signed] Wm. COLLINSON [signed] Willm. MASON } [signed] Mark RAINE John RAILTON his + Mark } [signed] Anthony CAILE [signed] John LOY } [signed] Thos. TEASDALE fine – 17.0.0 fine 28.10.0.

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