1818 11 03 : 02 : Penrith stationer's account & receipt

03 Nov 1818 (2). PENRITH STATIONER’S ACCOUNT & RECEIPT. Fresh, neat and clean account and receipt. The receipt has an impressed duty stamp. C 183 R 19 Jas. SHAW Stationer £ 9 ~ 4 ~ 9 ———————- Novr. 3d. 1818 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Penrith Octr: 31st: 1818 Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart Edenhall To James SHAW Dr. 1817 s. d March 28th 100 Advts. Broad Moor Allotments } omitted in Cash a/c to Let } 5 “ 6 Novr. 11th 2 Quires Post paper 2/8 1 Bath Vellum 1/10 4 “ 0 21st 3 Quires foolscap laid 1/10 3 Quires Post } 5/6 4/- 1/4 } 9 “ 6 ––– 3 Quires extra large Post 1/8 Pencils 2/- } 5/- Ind.n Reelbar [?] 1/- } 8 “ 0 ––– Ink and Pens 2 “ 0 28th 6 Quires Whited Brown Paper 6 “ 0 Decr. 8th Kendal Sheet Almnack 2 “ 0 ––– 24th 35 Advts. Edenhall Poor land to Let 3 “ 0 1818 Jany 10th 100 Circular Notices against Trespassing } on Lands &c } 5 “ 0 March 12th 100 Advts. Broad Moor to Let 5 “ 6 30th 2 Quires Post 1/4 1 Post 1/9 1 do 1/3 5 “ 8 2/8 April 21st Advertising Broad Moor in Carlisle Journal } March 14th & 21st & Postage } 1 – 0 – 6 May 30th Pens 1/6 Quire fine foolscap 2/- 3 “ 6 July 7th Ink 6d. 100 Advts Dolphenby Farm to let 5/6 6 “ 0 Augt 5th Quire Post gilt 1/10 Mem Book 1/- } Ivory Wafer Seal 1/6 } 4 “ 4 14th Quire Blotting fine & Wax 1 “ 9 29th Quire fine Vellum 2/- Half hkd [?] Pens 3/- 5 “ 0 ––– 2 Packs Mogul Cards 11 “ 0 Octr. 8th 3 Quires foolscap 4 “ 0 13th Quire Brown Paper 2 “ 0 Advertising Dolphenby Farm in Carlisle Journal } Augt. 1st, 8th 15th. Septr. 5th & 19th 8/6 & Postg } 2 “ 3 “ 0 Advertising in Kendal Augt 1st. 8th & 15th & Postge 1 “ 7 “ 6 ——————— £ 9 “ 4 “ 9 ——————— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ £ 9 “ 4 “ 9 Penrith Novr. 3d 1818 Received the sum of Nine Pounds four Shillings and ninepence of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. of Edenhall, Cumberland the amount of my account as per bill delivered As witness my hand [signed] James SHAW
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