1865 01 28 : Carpenters' wages account

28 Jan 1865. CARPENTERS’ WAGES ACCOUNT. A fresh, very neat and clean detailed account. 6” x 6”. C 342 R 26 John KENDALL, Carpenters. £ 3 . 16 . 3 . ——————————- Jany 28. 1865. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeny 28th – 1865 To Cutting Fire wood for the House & makeing A Phesent Coop & penting it & Planeing up Aok Posts Rales & Paleing & making A Tabel for Sir Geore & makeing a Dranar for the Landary & Clening down the Leads & Sundry Jobes days S d £ S D to John WATSON 12 2 6 per day 1 10 0 to John DALTON 12 2 6 1 10 0 to John KENDALL 6½ 2 6 16 3 £ 3 16 3

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