1705 02 05 : Receipts for land tax, bridge repairs & militia

05 Feb 1704/5. RECEIPTS FOR LAND TAX, BRIDGE REPAIRS & MILITIA. Neat and clean receipts. A small hole in centre. 9” x 7”. Ocbr ye 10th 1704 An aqt for two quar =terly paymts of ye Land Tax and repair of Bridges and Countrey Keeping ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 20: Ocbr 1704 Then Recd. of Chr GIBSON } the sume of thertyfive shillings being } £ s d the second paymt of the Landsess for ye } 01 = 15 : 00 year 1704 due att Mickls last Recd. per us [signed] James NELLSON John DAYSON Mark Y 9th Janry 1704 then Recd of Chr GIBSON Junr } £ s d the third quarterly paymt of ye land tax } 01 = 15 = 00: due att Xmas last Recd } per me [signed] James NELLSON 5 Febry 1704/5 Then Recd: of Chr GIBSON the sume of ten shillings Sixpence being for Repair of Bridges and Melitia service I say Recd per me Tho SHEARBORN mark } T