1823 04 03 : Banking letter from WRIGHT & Co.

03 Apr 1823. BANKING LETTER FROM WRIGHT & CO. One of a batch of 20 letters/documents from the private bank of WRIGHT & Co. C R 115 Messrs. WRIGHT & Co. Cash £ 600 ~ 0 ~ 0 —————————————— April 3d 1823 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ London 5 April 1823. Sir, We have received your favor of 2 inst., inclosing a remittance, value Seven hundred pounds, of which, agreeably with your directions, we hold Six hundred pounds for the credit of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE, Bart., and One hundred Pounds for the credit of Christopher MUSGRAVE Esqre. We remain, Sir, Your Obedt. Sevts. £ 700 GLYN & Co. 25 May [signed] WRIGHT, & Co Mr. L. S. DIXON Esqre.