1683 08 20 : Request for legal opinion regarding Soulby manor

20 Aug 1683. REQUEST FOR LEGAL OPINION REGARDING SOULBY MANOR. A neat and clean document. 12” x 7”. Case & Soulby – And Sr Tho. STRINGER’s opinion. 1683. C. 2. | | | 0 . 4 N. 13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6o Careli 1630 Sr Phillipp MUSGRAVE on his marriage wth Judge HUTTONs daughter Settles the Mannors of Hartley Edenhall Musgrave Soulby & diverse other Lands To holde to himselfe for Life & then to the heires Mayles of them &c wth a promise & power neaverthelesse that he might have power to revoake what was therein Settled either by his deed in writeinge: or by his Last will & Testamt. & in Michalmis Tearme after a Com~on Recovery was Suffred of those Mannors (illegible) Anno 1653 on the Marriage of Sr. Phillipp’s Eldest Sonn now Sr. Richd~ in Considracon of 2000£ a New Settlemt was made (in regard of the late troubles that the distracted tymes occasioned) of the afforesd Mannrs only the Mannor of Soulby wth its rights membrs & appurtmcs: was left out beinge then in Mortgadge And a noe Recovery is Suffred thereon & Indentures to Lend the uses *** are declared to be & ***** to the use of Sr. Richd~ MUSGRAVE & his heires & ** *t &c Anno 1677 Sr. Phillip MUSGRAVE dyed whereby the Last mentioned & Setled Mannors did descend to Sr Richd~ Sr Phillipp by his will gives the Mannor of Soulby to Sr Christofer his 2d Sonn Now as the Mannor of Soulby was at the first on the old Settlemt entayled on Sr Richd~ & not menconed in the Settlemt in 1653 whether Sr Phillipp had power to make such a devise or not Ever [?] whether the devise of Sr Phillipp to Sr Christr wthout a Revocacion of the first Settlemt & wthout any Consideracion is a barr to Sr Richard [different handwriting:] The devise by Sr Phillipp to Sr Chistopher is a Revocation of ye former Settlemnt & ye. estate is now setled to Sr Christopher [signed] Tho: STRINGER 20th of Aug~ 1683.
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