1838 11 12 : 01 : Wages receipt for a wet nurse

12 Nov 1838 (1). WAGES RECEIPT FOR A WET NURSE. A fresh, very neat and clean receipt. 4” x 6”. The wet nurse made her mark, but her name was not written on the receipt, only on the back of it. C 172 R 38. Jane HOLMES Wet Nurse £ 4 “ 0 “ 0 ———————————— November 12. 1838 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edenhall Novr. 12. 1838. Received of Sir George MUSGRAVE Bart. by payment of Mr. DIXON Four Pounds for 8 Weeks Wages due to me as Wet Nurse to Martinmas (Nov. 11) 1838, at 10s/- per Week. ~~~~~~~~ £ 4 “ 0 “ 0 + ~~~~~~~~
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