1848 06 02 : Receipt for gazetting Sir George MUSGRAVE as major

02 Jun 1848. RECEIPT FOR GAZETTING SIR GEORGE MUSGRAVE AS MAJOR. A neat and clean receipt. 4” x 7”. C 84. R 47. Adjutant FRANKLIN Gazetting Sir G: MUSGRAVE £ “ 8 “ 6 ——————————————————- June 2. 1848 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Penrith June 2 1848 Received of Sir George MUSGRAVE, Bart: by payment of Mr. DIXON Eight Shillings & Six pence for Gazetting Sir George as Major in the Westmorland & Cumberland Regiment of Yeomanry Cavalry. ~~~~~~~~~~ [signed] W. FRANKLIN. Captn. £ ~ “ 8 “ 6 & Adjutant W.C.Y.C. ~~~~~~~~~~