1830 09 21 : Gateshead nurseryman's account & receipt

21 Sep 1830. GATESHEAD NURSERYMAN’S ACCOUNT & RECEIPT. Fresh, neat and clean account and receipt. The two documents are stuck together at the left top corner. The receipt has an impressed duty stamp. C 216. R 125. Wm: FALLA Nurseryman £ 14 ~ 1 ~ 10 ———————————— September 21. 1830. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gateshead Sir Christr. MUSGRAVE Bart. 1829 Dr. to Wm. FALLA & Co Octr. 6 4 qts: Early frame Peas per Bill 4 . 0 1830 Feby 9 Garden Seeds ………….. per Do 4 “ 19 “ 9 Mch 30 ………. Do ………………… per Do 1 “ 17 “ 4 May 18 Plants ……………………… per Do 6 “ 9 “ 6 ——————- £ 13 “ 10 “ 7 11 Mushroom Spawn &c per Bill 11 “ 3 ——————- £ 14 “ 1 “ 10 . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eden Hall 21 Sept 1830 Received of Sir Christ. MUSGRAVE Bart the sum of Fourteen Pounds One Shilling & 10d as per Annexed Account for Wm FALLA £ 14 “ 1 “ 10 [signed] James HOGG
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