1687 12 : Soulby manorial admissions list with rents and fines

Dec 1687. SOULBY MANORIAL ADMISSIONS LIST WITH RENTS AND FINES. A fresh, very neat and clean horizontal manorial document. 12” x 16”. A bit weak at the edges and some of the folds, otherwise in excellent condition. The document was too wide to fit onto a transcribed page, so it has been split into two parts, with numbers, e.g. [*1] to indicate which sections in each part belong together. Fines agreed for by Mr BIRD at Soulby Decem~ 1687. | | | 0 | | N. 23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fines Tenents names & lands Rents £ s d – 5 – 00 – 00 { Humfrey WILSON for a messuage a Barne, five } £ s d { gardens, five garths, a Close called Croft, a } s d – 5 – 00 – 00 { Close called Rowend halfe a rood, halfe a rood in } 00 – 04 – 07. { a place called mainwath green, & 3 pasture gates } [*1] { in a place called Cow Close secureity } given { Matthew BOUSFEILD, A Close called withberhead } { .1. acre, A Close called withberlands Close, 10. roods } – 3 – 10 – 00 { .1. acre lyeing dispersedly in wythberlands, & halfe } 00 – 03 – 05 { an acre of land lying contiguosly to a Close called – } [*2] { Wythberhead Lady day secureity given } – 1 – 00 – 00 { James BOUSFEILD, six roods of meadow called } 00 – 00 – 011 { Musgrave Briggs 11d rent Lady day } [*3] secureity given { John WILSON, A Close called Close yeat, three } – 1 – 02 – 00 { roods, one acre lyeing in a place called whasbar } 00 – 01 – 01 { one rood lyeing in a place called Musgrave Briggs, } [*4] { halfe a rood lyeing in a place called linebar busbs [?] } secureity given 00 – 02 – 06 { Rowland PETTYT, one rood lyeing in a place called } 00 – 00 – 01 =ob. { Linebar pd. } [*5] 00 – 14 – 00 pd { William HARRISON, one acre lyeing in a place } 00 – 00 – 08. { called Linebar } [*6] 00 – 02 – 06 { Richard GRANGER, one rood lyeing in a place } 00 – 00 – 01.ob~ { called Long Selmer pd. } [*7] 00 – 06 – 00 { John BARNES, one rood & halfe of land lyeing } 00 – 00 – 03.ob~ { in a place called Borwains pd. } [*8] 00 – 15 – 00 [?] { Aolice [?] GRAY [?] ***** lyeing in a place called } 00 – 00 – 09 – { Haykerhead Lady day secureity given } [*9] { James LAMB A Close vocat Edensteads three acres } 02 – 10 – 00 { apeice called head rigg.3. roods in a place called } 00 – 02 – 06 – { backside of Browlands [?] halfe an acre in a place } [*10] { called Holesmire secureity given } 01 – 00 – 00 { Thomas HUTTON one acre of land lyeing in a place } 00 – 00 – 11 – { called Hall Croftends } [*11] { Rests in the hands of Willm SCAIFE & Margaret } 00 – 01 – 08 – { his wife } [*12] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lords services Earle of Thanetts Rents. £ s d [*1] To a plough 00 – 00 – 03 j. peck & halfe of serjeants oates. & a.1.d Neatgeld [*2] To a plough 00 – 00 – 03 – j. peck of Serjeant Oates. & a.1.d Neatgeld [*3] To a plough 00 – 00 – 02 – halfe a peck of Serjeant Oates. [*4] To a day mowing 00 – 00 – 01 [*5] To a load of Coales 00 – 00 – 00 = ob~. [*6] To a load of Coales 00 – 00 – 01 = ob~ – halfe a peck of Serjeants Oates. [*7] To a load of Coales 00 – 00 – 00 = ob~ – [*8] To day shearing 00 – 00 – 01 – halfe a hoope of Serjeant Oates. [*9] halfe a peck of Serjeants Oates. [*10] To a plough 00 – 00 – 03 – one peck of Serjeant Oates & a ob~. Neatgeld. [*11] To a day Shearing 00 – 00 – 02 – halfe peck of Serjeant Oates. & a .ob~. Neatgeld [*12] 00 – 00 – 02d Neatgeld