1853 05 14 : 01 : Young ladies' maid's wages receipt

14 May 1853 (1). YOUNG LADIES’ MAID’S WAGES RECEIPT. A fresh, very neat and clean receipt. 4” x 7”. C 350. R 57. Elizth: PEARMAIN Young Ladies Maid £ 9 “ 0 “ 0 ———————————— May 14 1853 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edenhall May 14 1853 Received of Sir George MUSGRAVE Bart: by payment of Mr: DIXON Nine Pounds for Half a years Wages due to me as Young Ladies Maid from Martinmas 1852 to Whitsuntide 1853. [signed] E PEARMAIN ~~~~~~ £ 9 “ 0 “ 0 ~~~~~~~~
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