1851 08 30 : 01 : Barnard Castle chemist's account for cheese

30 Aug 1851 (1). BARNARD CASTLE CHEMIST’S ACCOUNT FOR CHEESE. A neat printed billhead. With foxing. 5” x 8”. Hand written entries into this printed form are transcribed in italics. John PITCHFORD was the MUSGRAVEs’ butler. Mr PITCHFORD Barnard Castle Augst. 7. 1851 Bot. of Josh. PROCTER CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, Grocer Tea Dealer &c. 9½ o Cotherston Cheese 10d : 7s “ 11d Recd the above Augt 30th / 50 [sic] Pro J PROCTER [signed] G WILSON [?] [Picture of a statue of a bird with chicks] Prescriptions CAREFULLY Prepared GENUINE PATENT Medicines