1810 08 13 : Banking letter from WRIGHT & Co.

13 Aug 1810. BANKING LETTER FROM WRIGHT & CO. One of a batch of 20 letters/documents from the private bank of WRIGHT & Co. C 47 R 154 Sir P MUSGRAVE 2500 . 0 . 0 ———————————- Augst. 7th. 1810. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ London Augst 13. 1810 Sir, We have received your Favor of 7th. Instant, inclosing a Bill value Two Thousand Five Hundred Pounds on account of the Guardians of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE. We remain Sir Your most obedient Servants [signed] Thos. WRIGHT & Co. £ 2500 GLYN & Co. Understanding that Lady MUSGRAVE is at Eden Hall we presume you will have mentioned the Circumstance to her, we therefore do not write to her on this occasion, we have however informed Mr Christopher MUSGRAVE of it.