1829 11 11 : 01 : Rent receipt for farm at West Thickley

11 Nov 1829 (1). RENT RECEIPT FOR FARM AT WEST THICKLEY. A small printed receipt with impressed duty stamp. Hand written entries into this printed form are transcribed in italics. 1829. Received of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bt. the Sum } £. s. d. of Four pounds four Shillings & 3d ¼ being One Year’s } Rent, due and payable to the Lord Bishop of Durham, at Martinmas, } 4 . 4 . 3 ¼ 1829, for a Farm at West Thickley } deduct Land Tax . 8 . 0 ———————— 3 . 16 . 3 ¼ Acquittance, ———————— 0 0 8 ————————- £ 3 . 16 . 11 ¼ [signed] C [or P?] FORSTER ———————————-
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