1810 07 31 : Glazier's account

31 Jul 1810. GLAZIER’S ACCOUNT. A fresh, very neat and clean account. 8” x 6”. C 47 R 140 Jos: WATSON Glazier 6 . 16 . 6 31st. July 1810 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1809 Lady MUSGRAVE To Jos. WATSON Novbr. 10 2lb Solder got by Duke RICHARDSON £ s d to Repair Lead Gutter @ De Main House – = 1 = 8 Janry. 23 Self 2 Days Repairing Ground Pipe @ @ Eden Hall 7/ 6lb Solder @ 10d pr 5 – = 12 = – Large Sash Sqr. Glass – = 3 = 6 July 21 Self & Man Each 6 Days Painting & Whitining the Curch 2 = 2 = – 32lb Paint @ 10d per. 1 = 6 = 8 8 Quarts Perpaird oil @ 2/10 1 = 2 = 8 Self 4 Days Whitining & Cleaning windows @ the Hall – = 14 = – 4 Large Sqr. Glass @ 3/6 – = 14 = – ——————— £ 6 = 16 = 6 July 31st. 1810 Recd. six pounds six shillings & six pence for the above by payment of Joseph BRISCO for the above by me [signed] Jos. WATSON