1810 08 10 : Edenhall constable assessment account

10 Aug 1810. EDENHALL CONSTABLE ASSESSMENT ACCOUNT. A fresh, very neat and clean account. 4” x 6”. C 47 R 156 David HILL Constable Assessmt. 1 . 13 . 6½ ——————- Augst. 10th. 1810. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir P. MUSGRAVE Bart. To Constable of Edenhall Dr. To the occupation of Mr. BRISCO 0 . 0 . 7 Simon DUGLAS 7½ Jos: HETHERINGTON 3¾ Sir P. MUSGRAVE occupation 17 . 6 Do. …………… Tythes 16 . 3 Robt. OLIVANT 2¾ Thos. STEPHENSON 1 . 0½ ——————- 1 . 13 . 6½ ——————- August 10th. 1810 Recd. the above by payment of J. BRISCO by me [signed] David HILL