1708 06 08 : Receipt for window tax and Queen's Bench sess

08 Jun 1708. RECEIPT FOR WINDOW TAX AND QUEEN’S BENCH SESS. A fresh, very neat and clean account. 6” x 8”. Wm JOHNSON & James NELSON Acqt per window Tax and Queens Binch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ June 8 1708 Recd of Sr Christopher MUSGRAVE Bart the } sum of five shillings being for the later halfe } s yeare Window Tax Due Lady Day 1708 we } 5 0 say Recd by us } [signed] William JOHSON [signed] James NELLSON June 8 1708 Recd of Sr Christopher MUSGRAVE Bart. } the sum of three shillings and sixpence being } s d: asesmt for the Queens Binch being att one purvay } 03 : 6 per Ednall Demisne wee say Recd by us } [signed] William JOHNSON [signed] James NELLSON
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