1853 05 08 : Lazonby innkeeper's account

08 May 1853. LAZONBY INNKEEPER’S ACCOUNT. A fresh, very neat and clean detailed account. 7” x 6”. C 348. R 35. J: DONALDSON Innkeeper £ 6 “ 13 “ 10 ——————————— May 5. 1853 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lazonby 1853 £ s d Sir Geo. MUSGRAVE Bart. To. James DONALDSON 1852 Decr. 30 To. Spirit “ 1 6 17 Gallons of Ale at 2/- 1 14 “ Bread and Cheese 1 6 “ Hay and Corn “ 3 “ 1853 Janr. 4 17 Gallons of Ale at 2/- 1 14 “ Bread and Cheese 1 6 “ Janr. 10 Ale and Spirit “ 2 “ Hay and Corn “ 1 “ “ 24 Hay and Corn “ 1 “ Spirit “ “ 4 To. Horse and Cart “ 5 “ —————— £ 6 13 10 ======== Settled 8 May 1853 [signed] James DONALDSON

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