1813 01 28 : Account for coal road repair

28 Jan 1813. ACCOUNT FOR COAL ROAD REPAIR. A neat and clean receipt. 3” x 7”. C 81 R 235 Ino. JACKSON Coal road £ 20 ~ – ~ – —————————- Jany 28th. 1813 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Executors of the late Sir John Chardin MUSGRAVE Bart. – To Geo: LANGSTAFF & Co. Dr. 1813. January 27th. For repairing the Coal road } £. S. D. leading through Brusselton & Thickley } 20 “ 0 “ 0 farms, one Year due now } Jany 28th / Received the Above sum for Geo. LANGSTAFF and Co. by me [signed] John JACKSON
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