1705 08 04 : Noutgeld & serjeant oats receipt

04 Aug 1705. NOUTGELD & SERJEANT OATS RECEIPT. A fresh, very neat and clean receipt. 4” x 8”. Noutgeld was originally a cattle tax to the crown. Serjeant Oats were a tithe of oats paid by the tenant to the bailiff of the lord of the manor. August the 4th day 1705 Recd then of John TEABAY for Notgeld and } Sargant Ots in full for his part for Little } £ – s – d Musgrave and Soulby the some of one pound } 01 – 07 – 04 seaven Shillings and foure pence being due } for Sir Christopher MUSGRAVE to pay unto } the Right Honbl the Earle of Thanett due at } Snt Andermas Last past I Say Recd per me [signed] Richard WALLER Colector