1838 10 29 : Account for cattle bought at Newcastle fair

29 Oct 1838. ACCOUNT FOR CATTLE BOUGHT AT NEWCASTLE FAIR. A neat and clean account. C 170. R 9. LEVERICK & CHURTON Cattle £ 266 “ 0 “ 0 ————————————————- October 29. 1838. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cattle bought at Newcastle Fair Oct: 29. 1838. £ s d Mr. LEVERICK 15 Shorthorned Bullocks at £ 9. each – – 135 “ 0 “ 0 returned – 15 “ 0 134 5 0 ——————————— Mr. CHURTON 12 Ditto @ £ 11. each 132 “ 0 “ 0 returned – “ 5 “ 0 131 15 0 ——————— £ 266 “ 0 “ 0 ========== Octr. 29. 1838. Placed to Sir George MUSGRAVEs acct. Two Hundred Sixty Six Pounds paid for 27 Shorthorned Bullocks bought at Newcastle Fair by Geo: DIXON as above ~ ~ ~ [signed] L S DIXON