1823 01 31 : Account & receipt for shoeing horses

31 Jan 1823. ACCOUNT & RECEIPT FOR SHOEING HORSES. Fresh, neat and clean account and receipt, fixed together at their top left hand corners. The receipt has an impressed duty stamp. C R 54 John LANCASTER Shoeing Horses £ 3 ~ 7 ~ 9 ———————————— Jany 31. 1823 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir Philip MUSGRAVE To Ino LANCASTER Dr 1822 Nov. x 21st Brown Hors 4 New shoes 3 Brown Hors 2 Removd 6 Decem. 2. 3 Horses 8 New and 3 Remd 6 . 9 . x Chest Hors. 2 New 1 . 6 x 4 Bay Hors. 3 Remd 9 . x 7 2. Horses 8 New Shoes 6 . – Bay. Hors. & Black Mare 2 New 4 Remd 2 . 6 . x 10 Chest. Hors. 4 New 3 – Bay. Hors. 1 Do. and 3 Remd 1 . 3 x 12 3 Horses 12 New Shoes 9 – x 14 Brown. 4. Do. 3 – x 16th. Black Mare. 2 Do 1 6 Bay. Hors. 2 Remd 6 . x 21 Bay. Hors. 4 New 3 . – Brown Hors. 4 Do. 3 – Bay. Hors. and Chest hors 6 Remd 1 . 6 January 10 Black. Mare 2 New. 2 Remd 2 . – 1823 28th. Black. Mare. 4 Sharpd 1 . – 31 x Brown Shutte [?] Mare. 4 New 3 – ———————— £ 2 12 9 ———————— To A Tendance 10 Times 15 – ———————— £ 3 7 9 ———————— Jany 31. 1823 Settled [signed] John LANCASTER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —————— £ 3 ~ 7 ~ 9 Edenhall Jany 31st. 1823 —————— Received of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart by the payment of L S. DIXON Three Pounds Seven Shilling & Nine Pence for shoeing Horses from Nov 21. till this day inclusive as per annexed Bill by me [signed] John LANCASTER
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