1825 09 20 : 02 : Poor sess receipt for Great Salkeld

20 Sep 1825 (2). POOR SESS RECEIPT FOR GREAT SALKELD. A neat receipt. 4” x 7”. C R 295. Ino. REBANKS ~ Gt. Salkeld Poor Sess. £ 1 ~ 4 ~ 1½ ————————————— September 20th. 1825 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ September 20th. 1825. Received of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart by the payment of L S DIXON One Pound Four Shillings & threehalfpence the first collection of Poor Sess for the Parish of Great Salkield for this year by me –––––––––– ——————— [signed] John REBANKS £ 1 ~ 4 ~ 1½ Overseer ————————-
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