1805 02 09 : Edenhall Court Baron verdict

09 Feb 1805. EDENHALL COURT BARON VERDICT. A fresh, neat and clean document. 13” x 8”. Two sides. A bit dusty on the back. 9. Feb. 1805 Manor } of } Verdict Edenhall } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Manor } The Court Baron and Customary Court of Sir John MUSGRAVE Bart. of } Lord of the said Manor holden at the School House, at Edenhall in and Edenhall } for the said Manor on Saturday the Ninth day of February in the Year of our Lord 1805. Before Edward GRAVE Steward of the said Court The Names of the Jury Thomas TINKLER } { John PUGMIRE Thomas DALTON } { William REBANKS Joseph RAILTON } { Thomas MOSES Joseph DALTON } Sworn { Robert CANNON William HODGSON } { John GRAHAM Thomas WATSON } { John DALTON Who being Sworn and Charged present as follows. ~ We present and find that John DAYSON one of the Customary Tenants of this Manor hath by Deed of Bargain and Sale dated this Day Surrendered and Conveyed unto the Revd. Joseph BRISCO A Close called the Luham fine 10£ ~ or Edenhall Farfield Containing by Admeasurement Sixteen Acres two Roods and Ten Perches or thereabouts be the same more or less of the Apportioned Yearly Customary Rent of Eleven Pence halfpenny Part of his antient Rent of two Shillings and Eleven Pence halfpenny and other Dues duties and Services – Subject to Redemption on payment of One Hundred and fifty Pounds and Interest on the Eighth Day of February next And that the said Joseph BRISCO ought to be admitted Accordingly –– We also present and find that John WILLIAMSON, one of the Customary Tenants of the said Manor is dead since the last Court Seized of one Close ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ called High Fitz Close containing by Admeasuremt. 3a.. 1r.. 6P. And one other Close called Low Fitz Close containing by Admeast. 4a.. 1r… 24P. Fine 21£ ~ ~ within the said Manor of the Antient Yearly Customary Rent of five Shillings & four Pence and Two thirds of a Day shearing and two thirds of a Day Mowing and other Dues Duties and Services And that Sarah the Wife of Isaac MONKHOUSE is his only Sister & Heir at Law and ought to be admitted Tenant We also present and find that Thomas STEPHENSON hath by Deed Dated this day sold and Conveyed All his Customary Lands and Tenements in the said Manor to Sir John MUSGRAVE the Lord of the said Manor Reserving the Right of the said Thomas STEPHENSON during the life of himself & his Wife to the Dwelling Houses & Outhouses And also Reserving the Right of Common belonging to the said Premises. We also present and find that Christopher WESTRA hath by Deed Dated this Day sold All and Conveyed All his Customary Lands and Tenements within the said Manor unto Sir John Chardin MUSGRAVE Bart. the Lord of the said Manor Reserving to the said Christopher WESTRA and Sarah his Wife the Use & Occupation of his Dwelling House Outhouses and Gardens, & for the life of the longer liver of them. ~ [signed] Thomas TINKLER [signed] Thomas MOSES [signed] Thomas DALTON [signed] Robert CANNON [signed] Joseph RAILTON [signed] John GRAHAM [signed] Joseph DALTON [signed] John DALTON [signed] William HODGSON [signed] Thos WATSON his John + PUGMIRE mark [signed] William REBANKS