1865 01 11 : Receipt for one load of peats for smoking bacon

11 Jan 1865. RECEIPT FOR ONE LOAD OF PEATS FOR SMOKING BACON. A fresh, very neat and clean receipt. 5” x 8”. C 340 R 5 William GRAHAM, one Load of Peats. £ 1 . 5 . 0 ————————————- Jany. 11. 1865 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edenhall January 11th 1865 Received of Sir Georg MUSGRAVE Bart by payment of L S DIXON the Sum of One Pound & five Shilling for one Cartload of Peats from Scaleby for the purpose of smoaking Bacon &c by me his ————— Wm + GRAHAM £ 1 ~ 5 . 0 mark —————
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